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Callabyte Cares teamed up with the Callaway County United Way to encourage new subscribers from July 15-August 15 to sign up for Callabyte service, enjoy a free month of internet and help us give back to United Way. The campaign was a success, allowing Callabyte to donate $13,045 to Callaway County United Way.

The donation was made possible by our pledge of $25 per new subscriber to CCUW. Great support from new subscribers, along with current subscribers who donated to CCUW during the campaign, and a $5,000 community matching partnership with our financial lender, CoBank, allowed for the donation. The money will be used by CCUW to help support their mission to improve the lives of residents in Callaway County. By partnering with 11 local non-profit organizations, CCUW helps the most vulnerable citizens in our communities.

Welcome new subscribers and special thanks to all who helped make this donation possible!