Callabyte's 100% fiber optic network is


Big Meadows Road! Are you are ready to experience internet speeds that eliminate the frustration of buffering and power smooth streaming and downloading, even on multiple devices at once - Callabyte is the solution. Construction to extend our reliable, powerful fiber optic network along Big Meadows Road and West Liberty Road is underway NOW! And with the help of local residents, this expansion project will also reach some additional roads along the Osage River.

SCROLL DOWN for information including a service map detailing the area to be served, along with an opportunity to sign up for email updates on construction progress and product offerings.

Ready to sign up for service? No deposit or service commitment is required with sign up. Enter your address below to complete the simple, online sign-up process and secure your place in line for service. Email us or call 573-826-2371 at any time with questions. Our MSR team will be happy to help.

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Construction Timeline for Taos Expansion

Big Meadows Road

Expansion to Big Meadows Road is underway now. Underground crews will be drilling soon to place fiber underground along this road. Work will be done within the city and state utility easements. As contractors near your property, they will be leaving information on your door of who to contact if you have questions regarding the construction process.

Service on Big Meadows is expected to be available in early summer, 2025.

Marina Road

The area out to Marina Road is included in the Taos expansion project. This area is privately owned and in order for Callabyte services to be extended here, easements will be required from each property owner. Our team has begun the process of reaching out to these residents to evaluate the interest. We want offer the opportunity for you to be included in access to this technology and encourage you to work with your neighbors to allow this expansion to take place.

River Front Dr

River Front Drive is another potential area of expansion in this project. Again, because of private land, we will need to acquire easements from all property owners to be able to offer access to our fiber optic network in your area. We will be contacting residents soon and encourage you to work with neighbors to allow this expansion to take place.

West Liberty Road

West Liberty Road is also included in the Taos expansion. Construction in this area will be underway soon, with contractors to utilize existing city and state utility easements. As contractors near your property, they will be leaving information on your door of who to contact if you have questions regarding the construction process. Sign up for all areas in the Taos expansion is available now. We encourage you to complete the online sign up process to ensure your place in line for service with Callabyte.

Please reach out to our MSR Team at 573-826-2371 or with any questions.

To check if your specific address falls within the project area, you can enter your address in our simple, online sign-up options on the homepage or above on this page.

Taos Expansion Map