Whether you are building a new home or remodeling an existing one, Callabyte can help ensure a quality experience
with our fiber to home internet and phone services.
Identify a central location for the 'wiring closet'
One key thing is while walls are open, the installation of relatively inexpensive wiring will pay big rewards in the end. A first
step would be to identify in your home a central location where a number of wires can be terminated. We will call this the
wiring closet. In the closet, with the use of an in-home media panel, all wires can be neatly organized. Be sure to include
an electrical outlet in your panel as there will ultimately be electronics needed for the final connections.
Hardwire TV locations for the best experience
The largest consumer of internet in our homes today is typically our televisions. It is recommended that from the wiring
closest to everywhere a TV may be located, two CAT-6 Ethernet cables should be ran. By running two cables, a Smart-TV
can be directly connected, as can an additional streaming TV device. Depending on your preference, a coax cable (RG-6)
can also be ran to each TV location. Be sure to think about locations where televisions are placed today, and where they
may be located in the future.
Flexible conduit from the entry point to the wiring closet will simplify service installation
To bring service from outside to the wiring closet, a flexible conduit should be installed from the media panel to an entry
point on the outside of the home. A 3/4 inch flexible water pipe can be used for this purpose. In routing the conduit/water
pipe, be sure to avoid sharp bends and kinks. It would also be best that the conduit be one continuous piece, absent of
any couplers or fittings. If the budget will allow, two conduit runs will serve you well into the future.
Maximize performance in a larger home by planning for repeating hardware
One additional consideration to think about when running cables, especially if your home is somewhat large, is the
addition of wireless repeaters or mesh radios. While wireless technology can extend using wireless signals, to maximize
performance, consider running CAT-6 Ethernet cable to locations where repeating hardware will be placed. With the
addition of wire connecting wireless equipment, performance can typically be doubled. The cost of that improvement is
very inexpensive while cables are easy to install.