Put your money to work in the community
Callaway Electric members and Callabyte subscribers can now choose to participate in Operation Roundup - a program designed to do good work throughout the Callaway Electric and Callabyte service area. The average tax deductible donation will be $6 per year, with the option to donate more. For example, a $76.37 bill would round to $77.00, with the additional 63 cents going toward Operation Roundup. This may not seem like a large amount, but we are combining the potential of 13,000 electric accounts and over 11,000 Callabyte subscribers. Together we can make a significant impact in the local communities we serve and live in.
If you have questions contact our MSR Team at 573826.2371 or info@callabyte.com
For more information or to apply for funding, visit our Callaway Electric website.