Callabyte Technology is excited to be teaming up with Serve, Inc of Callaway County for another Callabyte Cares campaign throughout the month of November.
We are pledging a $25 donation to Serve for every new Callabyte subscriber signing up for service. In addition, new subscribers will receive their first month of internet free.
If you have not tried a fiber fast, reliable connection with Callabyte - it is a great month to do so. Along with a free month of service you also receive free installation which is customized to meet your needs. There are no equipment fees, no data limits, no contracts or other hidden fees. We also set the bar high on response to subscriber issues - with service that can’t be beat.
Learn more about our Callabyte Cares events and support here. We invite you to choose Callabyte as a local provider you know and trust while also helping a wonderful local agency - Serve, Inc - who is doing great work to help those in need within our community. Simple, online sign-up is available now or reach out to our MSR Team at 573-826-2371 and we will be happy to walk you through the process.